友達にリアルASMRしてみた Japanese Friend Tries Giving Me IRL Tingles – ASMR BlueKatie
21:30分らへんはボリュームがちょっと大きいので手動で下げてもらえると嬉しいです(__) !!!Please turn the volume down around 21:30, the volume is a bit too high there. Thanks!
Listen to my ASMR audio on background with Spotify! → https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ilBnMW62Nt42yIqSlbaJ7
Instagram →https://www.instagram.com/asmrbluekatie/
どうも!けいとです。今回の動画では一か月前に日本から来てくれたお友達アリスちゃん(instagram: @alice___tro)と動画を撮りました!はしゃぎすぎて全然ASMRになってないのでおもしろ感覚で見てもらえると嬉しいです!ご視聴ありがとうございました!!リクエストなどあったら是非教えてね。高評価、チャンネル登録、通知、ツイッター&インスタフォローよろしくおねがいします^^励みになります!みんないつもありがとう おやすみ🌙💕
!!!The volume is a bit too high around 21:30 , so if you could turn it down around there it’d be wonderful! Thank you!
Hi my blue kitties! Katie here:) A month ago, my friend Alice (instagram: @alice___tro) from Japan visited me in The Netherlands so we filmed a video together! I had a bit too much fun so the video is not quite ASMR worthy but I hope you still enjoy x Thank u so much for watching! Please follow my twitter, instagram and subscribe&like💕 love u guys and have a good night🌙💕
Please help me put subtitles on my videos! x
パトロンPatreon, Thank you so so much for the support!! 応援本当にありがとうございます!:https://www.patreon.com/ASMRBluekatie
Discord ディスコード: https://discord.gg/xcJWfwn
End screen music by Sir. Dayo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOhBpkr_0g0
PLAYLIST 子守唄/Lullabies ASMR・音フェチ Singing you to sleep
音フェチ動画✨ASMR videos!!
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